Chess – is philosophy of life     
Vasyl Ivanchuk   


very child has a talent, which is important to develop in time.

Learning to play chess contributes the cognitive development of children, develops intellectual curiosity and the need to acquire new knowledge.

Due to its athletic components chess raising nature and desire to win.

Chess teaches creativity. Unlike many school subjects, chess doesn’t contain ready answers to all questions. The child learns to apply their classroom knowledge creatively, to seek innovative solutions for given tasks.

For child chess is entertaining game, an interesting practical activity, which she does with pleasure.

In chess school program athletes will meet other intellectual games (chess fischer games, Checkers, Guo, Chinese chess, etc.).

Classes are held in a special program developed by a team of coaches led by Vasyl Ivanchuk.

  • Sessions with Grandmasters
  • Grandmasters lectures
  • Grandmasters master class

World Chess News

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